Risk Profiles by Country 

Risk Profiles by Country 

Global Health, Safety, and Security (GHSS) has developed Country Risk Profiles to provide clear guidance on when Temple travelers can proceed with international travel or when additional High and Extreme Risk Committee (HERC) or GHSS review and approval is needed.

Key risk indicators are weighted and calculated into a final sum designating travel risk on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being Extreme). The filterable chart below indicates the Temple risk rating for each country, in addition to sub-regions with higher risk exposure, using a composite of:

  • U.S. Department of State Travel Advisories;
  • Healix’s (TU global support provider) ratings for security, evacuation, and medical risks;
  • CDC Travel Advisories; and
  • Insurance restrictions.

TU Risk Rating Characteristics

TU Risk ratings are meant to serve as a guide for Temple travelers. Ratings outline the risks involved with traveling to various locations and when additional HERC or GHSS review and approval is required before travel occurs. More information including criteria for the development of ratings are outlined in TU Risk Rating Characteristics.

TU Risk Rating

Undergraduate Student Travel

Graduate Student Travel

Faculty/Staff Travel

TU - 5 Extreme Travel Risk


Restricted/subject to review.

Subject to review.

TU - 4 High Risk

Prohibited/subject to review.

Subject to review.

Additional requirements if traveling to extreme regions.

TU - 3 Moderate Risk

Restricted/subject to review.

Subject to review.

Additional requirements if traveling to extreme regions.

TU - 2 Variable Risk

Additional requirements depending on regions.

Additional requirements depending on regions.

Additional requirements depending on regions.

TU - 1 Standard Risk

Additional requirements depending on regions.

Additional requirements depending on regions.

Additional requirements depending on regions.

Poor and Very Poor Medical Risk

Poor or Very Poor Medical risk ratings AND TU - 3 Moderate or higher is prohibited.

Individual/independent travel to countries with Poor or Very Poor Medical risk ratings AND rated TU - 4 High or higher is subject to review by the full HERC.

No additional requirements.