Emergency QR Code

Emergency QR Code

Emergency Contact Card

Step-by-step instructions for downloading the International Emergency Contact Card.

By downloading Temple's International Emergency Contact Card using the QR code above, Temple's international travelers will have the following numbers stored in their phones in the event of an international emergency:

  • Temple University Police's 24/7 line: +1-215-204-1234
  • Healix: +1-267-855-1884
  • Emergency Notifications: +1-978-679-4044
  • Emergency Check-in: Response Required: 1-978-679-4196
    • In the event of an incident, Healix will reach out on behalf of Temple University to check on the safety and security of each traveler. We strongly encourage you to store the Healix check-in number in your phone so you can confirm your safety and security in a timely fashion. All travelers should also download the Healix Oracle app for Apple/iOS or Google/Android